The Mica Mountain Parent Teacher Organization (MMPTO) is organized for the purpose of enhancing and supporting the educational experience for the students at Mica Mountain High School by fostering relationships among the school, parents, teachers, and community through encouraging involvement, volunteerism, and direct financial support. Your annual dues/sponsorship provides funds to support various programs, classroom needs, student/faculty appreciation, and more as we support our staff and students through fundraising, recognition, appreciation and respect for tradition!
Executive Board
MMHS PTO Executive Board for 2024-2025:
President: Nancy Davis
Vice President: Stacey Roberts
Treasurer: Marcia Johnson Secretary: Melissa Paul
Volunteer Coordinator/PTO Liaison: Amy Burton
How YOU can help
Become a Member
Attend a Meeting
Fry’s Rewards Program
Corporate Sponsors
Thank you
Thank you for your kind and generous support of Mica Mountain PTO and School!
*All funds raised directly benefits all Mica Mountain High School students and staff through your memberships, sponsorships, and generous donations.